- 基于区块链的可信工业分布式云项目 分布式云与云边协同创 新实践案例/云计算产 业联盟,
- Authorization for Access in Fog Radio Access Networks IEEE 广播技术协会最 佳论文奖/IEEE,
- Blockchain-Enabled Wireless Internet of Things: Performance Analysis and Optimal Communication Node Deployment IEEE Internet of Things Journal 最佳论文奖/IEEE,
- IEEE 最佳领导力奖,
- IEEE 技术工程管理学会区块链与分布 式账本技术职业中期成就奖,
- 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)优秀论文,
- 重庆市科技进步二等奖,
- Second Class Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Chongqing, 2017 (Rank 4th),
- Outstanding graduate of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2014,
- China Electronics Technology Group Cooperation Scholarship, 2014,