- 电子邮箱:ruichen@bupt.edu.cn
- 所在单位:理学院
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 办公地点:主楼1001室
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:62282322 13522069325
- 学位:博士学位
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- 毕业院校:北京师范大学
- 所属院系:理学院
- 邮编:100876
- 通讯/办公地址:主楼1001
- 办公室电话:62282322
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- 邮箱:ruichen@bupt.edu.cn
- 陈锐,Application of the grp shceme for cylindrical compressible fluid flows:Communications in Computational Physics,2018,24:1522-1555
- 陈锐,Decoupled, Energy Stable Scheme for Hydrodynamic Allen-Cahn Phase Field Moving Contact Line Model,:Journal of Computational Mathematics,2018,36:661-681
- 陈锐,Second Order, linear and unconditionally energy stable schemes for a hydrodynamic model of Smectic-A Liquid Crystals,:SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,2017,39:2808-2833
- 陈锐,Numerical Approximations for Allen-Cahn Type Phase Field Model of Two-Phase Incompressible Fluids with Moving Contact Lines:Communications in Computational Physics,2017,21:867-889
- 陈锐,The kinematic effects of the defects in liquid crystal dynamics:Communications in Computational Physics,2016,20:234-249
- 陈锐,Decoupled Energy Stable Schemes for Phase-Field Vesicle Membrane Model:Journal of Computational Physics,2015,302:509-523