
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Language: 中文

Personal Profile

A. Prof. Fangrong Zong graduated from Victoria University of Wellington (Wellington, NZ) as a Doctor of Philosophy in MR physics, during which she did an internship in German Cancer Research Centre (Heidelberg, GE). She then moved to Queensland Brain Institute (Brisbane, AU) as a postdoctoral fellow to develop multi-modal MRI techniques in pre-clinical and clinical applications.  After returning to China in February 2018, she served as the assistant director of high field magnetic resonance center at Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and completed the technical acceptance of the first 9.4T ultra-high field whole-body MRI system in Asia. She has more than ten years of experience in MR physics (software, hardware and system integration) and applications. 

A. Prof. Zong was introduced to the School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication as a B-class Talent in March 2022. Her research involves developing novel diffusion MRI methods and relevant inversion algorithms to obtain tissue microstructure and morphometry. She is currently working on time-efficient data acquisition and image reconstruction of DKI to clinical applications. Fangrong’s research also focuses on ultra-high field techniques and intelligent portable MRI systems and their applications in brain diseases.

Her team recruits 1-2 students per year in intelligent science and technology and biomedical engineering. If you are interested in the development of MR system and/or key components, MRI sequence development and medical MR data processing, please do not hesitate to contact and apply for a master or doctoral position. She also welcome world-wide scholars and friends to exchange ideas and cooperate in projects.

Educational Experience

  • 2017.3-2018.2  

    University of Queensland       Medical imaging       Postdoc

  • 2013.3-2016.12  

    Victoria University of Wellington       Physics       博士       Doctoral Degree

Work Experience

  • 2022.3-Now

    Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications      School of Artificial Intelligence      Associate Professor

  • 2018.2-2022.2

    Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Science      High Field MR Center      Associate Research Fellow

  • 2016.6-2016.12

    Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand      Faculty of Physics and Chemistry      Research Tutor

  • 2015.8-2015.11

    German Cancer Research Center      Department of Radiology      Visiting Scholar

Research Group

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