- 硕士生导师
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:智能工程与自动化学院
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 性别:男
- 学位:博士学位
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:北京航空航天大学
- 所属院系:智能工程与自动化学院
- 通讯/办公地址:
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- 杨东浩, 方维*, 许澍虹. 基于混合现实技术的民机驾驶舱仿真平台[J]. 民用飞机设计与研究, 2022, 4: 13-20.
- 方维, 许澍虹, 韩磊, 等. AR增强装配中的跟踪注册方法研究与应用进展[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2023, 35(7): 1438-1454.
- 方维*, 杨奎. 基于逆深度自适应加权的多视图三角化方法[J]. 中国激光, 2020, 47(12): 1204007.
- 方维*,安泽武. 基于可穿戴增强现实的车间现场智能分拣[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2021, 27(8): 2362-2370.
- Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*, Bingwei He, et al. Automatic 3D model acquisition for unknown objects based on hybrid vision technology[J]. International Journal of Precision Engineering & Manufacturing, 2017, 18(3): 275-284.
- Wei Fang*, Lianyu Zheng, Xiangyong Wu. Multi-sensor based real-time 6-DoF pose tracking for wearable augmented reality[J], Computers in Industry, 2017, 92: 91-103.
- Wei Fang, Lianyu Zheng*. Rapid and robust initialization for monocular visual inertial navigation within multi-state Kalman filter[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2018, 31(1): 148-160.
- Kui Yang, Wei Fang, Yan Zhao, Nianmao Deng. Iteratively reweighted midpoint method for fast multiple view triangulation[J]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2019, 4(2): 708-715.
- Wei Fang*, Zewu An. A scalable wearable AR system for manual order picking based on warehouse floor-related navigation[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 109: 2023-2037.
- Wei Fang*, Lianyu Zheng. Shop floor data-driven spatial-temporal verification for manual assembly planning[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2020, 31: 1003-1018.