





研究领域:微纳光电子器件与芯片、机器学习智能算法、生物神经网络计算、光场调控技术与生物光子学等。已发表SCI和EI论文近40篇,其中包括以第一或通讯作者身份在国际顶级期刊Nano Letters上发表3篇论文;在大型国际学术会议上作报告10余次,获最佳女性报告奖等荣誉;(曾)主持德国卡尔蔡司基金会研究基金、国家自然科学基金、北京市科技新星人才项目等国际级、国家级和省部级项目多项。受邀担任Optica、ACS Photonics、Photonics Research等10余个国际著名期刊的审稿人。


[1]    L. Gui*, M. Hentschel, J. Defrance, J. Krauth, T. Weiss, H. Giessen, “Nonlinear Born-Kuhn Analog for Chiral Plasmonics,” ACS Photonics 6 (12), 3306-3314 (2019). (*Corresponding author)

[2]    Q. Ai*, L. Gui*, D. Paone, B. Metzger, M. Mayer, K. Weber, A. Fery, and H. Giessen*, "Ultranarrow Second-Harmonic Resonances in Hybrid Plasmon-Fiber Cavities," Nano Letters 18, 5576-5582 (2018). (*Corresponding authors)

[3]    L. Gui*, S. Bagheri, N. Strohfeldt, M. Hentschel, C. M. Zgrabik, B. Metzger, H. Linnenbank, E. L. Hu, and H. Giessen, "Nonlinear refractory plasmonics with titanium nitride nanoantennas," Nano Letters 16, 5708-5713 (2016). (*Corresponding author)

[4]    B. Metzger†, L. Gui†, J. Fuchs, D. Floess, M. Hentschel, and H. Giessen, "Strong enhancement of second harmonic emission by plasmonic resonances at the second harmonic wavelength," Nano Letters 15, 3917-3922 (2015). (†Equal contribution)

[5]    X. Liao, L. Gui*, Z. Yu, T. Zhang, and K. Xu, “Deep learning for the design of 3D chiral plasmonic metasurfaces”, Optical Materials Express 12(2), 758-771 (2022). (*Corresponding authors)

[6]    Z. Chen , L. Gui*, C. Wang, X. Xiao, C. Meng, S. I. Bozhevolnyi , T. Zhang , X. Zhang , and K. Xu, “Gold Metasurfaces as Saturable Absorbers for All-Normal-Dispersion Ytterbium-Doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser”, IEEE Photonics Journal 14(3), 1530406 (2022). (*Corresponding authors)

[7]    L. Gui and C. Yang, "Soliton molecules with ±pi/2, 0, and pi phase differences in a graphene-based mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser," IEEE Photonics Journal 10, 1502609 (2018).

[8]    L. Gui*, P. Wang, Y. Ding, K. Zhao, C. Bao, X. Xiao, and C. Yang*, "Soliton molecules and multisoliton states in ultrafast fiber lasers: intrinsic complexes in dissipative systems," Applied Sciences 8, 201 (2018). (*Corresponding authors)

[9]    L. Gui, X. Li, X. Xiao, H. Zhu, and C. Yang, "Widely-spaced bound states in a soliton fiber laser with graphene saturable absorber," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25, 1184-1187 (2013).

[10]  L. Gui, X. Xiao, and C. Yang, "Observation of various bound solitons in a carbon-nanotube-based erbium fiber laser," Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 30, 158-164 (2013).


[1]  2008-09-01--2013-07-01
 清华大学 >   光学工程 >   博士学位 >   博士毕业 
[2]  2004-09-01--2008-07-01
 清华大学 >   测控技术与仪器 >   学士学位 >   大学本科(简称“大学”) 


[1]   2019-01-18--至今
 北京邮电大学 > 教师 
[2]   2013-08-01--2018-12-31
 德国斯图加特大学 > 博士后 


[1]  中国光学工程学会 高级会员
[2] Optica 终身会员


