何晓颖Xiaoying He


 博士生导师  硕士生导师


何晓颖,北京邮电大学副研究员,博士生导师、硕士生导师。2009年于华中科技大学武汉光电国家实验室获博士学位。 2009-2012年进入香港理工大学电子工程学系做博士后。2012年-2017年在复旦大学信息学院光科学与工程系工作任教,2015年3月晋升为副研究员。2017年1月-2018年4月在北京工业大学从事副教授工作。2018年4月到北京邮电大学电子工程学院,主要研究领域为后摩尔时代的低功耗拟态神经突触器件及智能芯片技术,光纤神经元系统及神经形态计算,锁模光纤激光器及半导体激光器,高速智能光电子器件及结构光源等领域。以第1作者或指导研究生或参与者在 " Photonics Research"、" Advanced Electronic Materials"、" Carbon"、 " Advanced Photonics Research"、“Optics Letters”、“Optics Express”、“IEEE Photonics Technology Letters”、“IEEE Journal of Selected Toptic in Quantum Electronics”、“IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology”国内外刊物上发表论文80余篇。负责主持的科研项目有国家自然科学基金2项,教育部博士点基金1项,还参与了国家02专项、国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划等等。


1.       X. He*, B. Cao, M. Xu, K. Wang, L. Rao, Modeling, Parameters and Synaptic Plasticity Analysis of Lateral-Ionic-Gated Graphene Synaptic FETs, Advanced Electronic Materials, 10(9), 202400047, 2024.

2.       X. He*, M. Xu, S. Liu, K. Wang, B. Cao, L. Rao, X. Xin, Side ionic-gated perovskite/graphene heterojunction synaptic transistor with bipolar photoresponse for neuromorphic computing, Photonics Research, 12(6): 1167-1174, 2024.

3.       X. He*, K. Wang, D. Wei, H. Yong, M. Xu, B. Cao, R. Lan, X. Xin, Lateral ionic-gated graphene synaptic transistor with transition from paired-pulse facilitation to depression for filtering and image recognition, Carbon, 226: 119161, 2024.

4.       X. He*, M. Xu, Q. Shi, K. Wang, B, Cao, L, Rao, X, Xin, “Long-ionic-gated graphene synaptic transistor with enhanced memory, learning function and humidity perception,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 124, 053501, 2024

5.       M. Li, L. Rao, X. He*, F. Tian, X. Pan, and X. Xin,  Low-loss, broadband MMI coupler based on thin film lithium niobate platform,  Physica Sripta, 98(3), 035506, 2023.   

6.      S. Liu, X. He*, J. Su, B. Cao, L. Rao, C. Li, X. Yang, and X. Xin,  A light-stimulus flexible synaptic transistor based on ion-gel side-gated grapheme for neuromorphic computing,  Advanced Photonics Research, 2200174, 2022.

7.          X. He, M. Li, and L. Rao,  Underwater Besel-like beams with enlarged depth of focus based on fiber microaxicon,  Chinese Optics Letters, 20(07), 40-44, 2022. Editor picked.

8.          C. Tan, Z. Dong, X. He*, L. Rao, X. Jun, L. Sun, X. Li,  Ultrabroadband polarization filter based on gold-coated PCF with high birefringence,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., 38(12), 3896-3901, 2021.

9.          X. He*, and J. Liu,  Flexible and broadband graphene polarizer based on surface silicon-core microfiber , Opt. Mater. Express, 7(4), 1398-1405, 2017.

10.          X. He*, D.N.Wang, Z. Liu,  Pulse-width tuning in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with graphene saturable absorber,  IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(4), 360-363, 2014.

11.          X. He*, X. Zhang, H. Zhang, M. Xu,  Graphene covered on microfiber exhibiting polorization and polarization-dependent saturable absorption, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.20, No.1, 4500107, 2014.

12.          X. He, Z. Liu, D.N.Wang,  Wavelength-tunable, passively mode-locked fiber laser based on graphene and chirped fiber Bragg grating , Optics Letters, 37(12),  2394-2396, 2012.

13.          X. He, X. Fang, C. Liao, D.N.Wang, and J. Sun  A tunable and switchable single-longitudinal mode dual-wavelength fiber laser with a simple linear cavity , Optics Express  , 17(24), 21773-21781 2009.


[1] 2006.9-2009.6
华中科技大学 | 光学工程 | 研究生 | 博士学位


[1] 2018.4-至今
电子工程学院 | 北京邮电大学 



