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Hui Gao

Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Academic Titles:教学、科研
Alma Mater:北京邮电大学
Education Level:研究生毕业
Business Address:新科研楼216
Contact Information:huigao@bupt.edu.cn
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Personal Profile


I am an Associate Professor with the School of Information and Communication Engineering at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China. 

I received my B.Eng. degree in information engineering and the Ph.D. degree in signal and information processing from BUPT, in 2007 and 2012, respectively. From 2009 to 2012, I was a Research Assistant with the Wireless and Mobile Communications Technology Research and Development Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing. In 2012, I was also a Research Assistant with the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, where I was later a Post-Doctoral Researcher from 2012 to 2014. My research interests include massive MIMO systems, cooperative communications, interference management, energy efficient and data-driven wireless resource allocation. 


School of Information and Communication Engineering (SICE) 
Science Building 216, BUPT 
Beijing, 100876 China 
Email: huigao@bupt.edu.cn