Meiyu Liang, Junping Du, Linghui Li, Zhe Xue, Xiaoxiao Wang, Feifei Kou, Xu Wang, Video Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Deep Learning and Spatio-Temporal Feature Self-similarity, IEEE TKDE 2020.(CCF A类)
Release time:2022-07-10 Hits:
Pre One:Feifei Kou, Junping Du, Congxian Yang, Yansong Shi, Wanqiu Cui, Meiyu Liang, Yue Geng. Hashtag Recommendation Based on Multi-Features of Microblogs, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2018, 33(4): 711-726. ( SCI, CCF B类期刊)
Next One:崔婉秋, 杜军平, 寇菲菲, 李志坚, Lee JangMyung. 面向微博短文本的社交与概念化语义扩展搜索方法, 计算机研究与发展, 2018, 55(8): 1641-1652. (CCF A 类中文期刊)