D. Wu, C. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Xu, Z. Yu, L. Yu, L. Chen, R. Ma, J. Zhang, and H. Ye, "Numerical study of a wide-angle polarization-independent ultra-broadband efficient selective metamaterial absorber for near-ideal solar thermal energy conversion," RSC advances 8(38), 21054–21064 (2018).
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Links to published journals:https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/ra/c8ra01524d
Pre One:D. Wu, C. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Yu, Z. Yu, L. Chen, R. Ma, and H. Ye, "Numerical study of an ultra-broadband near-perfect solar absorber in the visible and near-infrared region," Optics letters 42(3), 450–453 (2017).
Next One:R. Ma, Y. Li, Y. Liu, Z. Yu, X. Long, L. Chen, D. Wu, and H. Ye, "Focal shift of nano-optical lens affected by periodic resonance with substrate," IEEE Photonics Journal 8(6), 1–9 (2016).
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