34) Yiqi Bai, Danpu Liu, Zhilong Zhang. Enhanced QoE-oriented packet scheduling scheme for HTTP video streaming in LTE networks, Proceedings of MobiMedia 2015, Chengdu, China, May 25-27, 2015
Release time:2019-06-04 Hits:
Pre One:35) Zhilong Zhang, Danpu Liu. Unequal Power Allocation for Real-Time Uncompressed Video Transmission over Wireless Channels, Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2015, Hong Kong, August 30-Sep. 2, 2015
Next One:33) Ran Cai, Danpu Liu, Qian Chen, Xiaoming Peng. Optimal SINR-based Scheduling in mmWave WPANs with Power Control and Rate Adaption, Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2015-Spring, Glasgow, U.K., May 11-14, 2015