- 硕士生导师
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:经济管理学院
- 职务:邮政管理系教研中心主任
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 办公地点:鸿通楼617
- 性别:男
- 学位:博士学位
- 在职信息:在职
- 主要任职:经济管理学院副教授/硕士生导师
- 毕业院校:北京大学/北京邮电大学
- 学科:管理科学与工程*
- 所属院系:经济管理学院
- 王真,苑春荟,李晓龙,Unleashing the power of big data for platform firms: A configuration analysis:Managerial and Decision Economics,2023
- 李晓龙,Ozturk, Ilknur,Syed, Qasim Raza,Hafeez, Muhamm,Does green environmental policy promote renewable energy consumption in BRICST? Fresh insights from panel quantile regression:ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA,2022,35(1):5807-5823
- 胡启航,苑春荟,李晓龙,Green grain warehousing: bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review:ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2022,29(29):43710-43731
- 李晓龙,林文亮,Guan, Bei,The impact of computing and machine learning on complex problem-solving:Engineering Reports,2023,5(6)
- 李晓龙,Ozturk, Ilhan,Ullah, Sana,Andlib, Zubaria,Hafe,Can top-pollutant economies shift some burden through insurance sector development for sustainable development?:ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY,2022,74:326-336
- 王真,苑春荟,李晓龙,Unleashing the power of big data for platform firms: A configuration analysis:MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS,2024,45(1):300-314