Meina Song, Xuejun Zhao, Haihong E, Zhonghong Ou∗;Knowledge Based Systems;Volume:132;Pages:282-261;SCI,影响因子 8.038 (中科院一区, 通讯作者):Statistic-based CRM Approach via Time Series Segmenting RFM on Large Scale Data
发布时间:2022-07-07 点击次数:
上一条:Zhonghong Ou∗, Meina Song, Zhen-Huan Hwang, Antti Ylä-Jääski, Ren Wang, Yong Cui, Pan Hui;Journal of Systems and Software;Volume:178;Pages:206-221;SCI 收录,影响因子 2.829(CCF B,第一作者):Is Cloud Storage Ready? Performance Comparison of Representative IP-based Storage Systems
下一条:Binbing Hou, Feng Chen, Zhonghong Ou*, Ren Wang, and Michael Mesnier;ACM Transaction on Storage;Volume 13;Issue:2; Pages:1-36;SCI,影响因子 1.48(CCF A, 通讯作者):Understanding I/O Performance Behaviors of Cloud Storage from a Client’s Perspective