Haode Bei, Songwei Pei(通讯),MIG-DARTS: Towards Effective Differentiable Architecture Search by Gradually Mitigating the Initial-channel Gap between Search and Evaluation,Neural Computing and Applications,2024(CCF英文期刊)
发布时间:2024-10-12 点击次数:
上一条:Yinning Lu, Songwei Pei(通讯),DFW-PVNet: Data Field Weighting Based Pixel-ise Voting Network for Effective 6D Pose Estimation,2024,Applied Intelligence(CCF英文期刊)
下一条:Yansong Zhu,Songwei Pei(通讯), et al. AP-Net: Attention-Fused Volume and Progressive Aggregation for Accurate Stereo Matching,2024, Neurocomputing (CCF英文期刊)