Yuexing Peng, Zhao Hui, Wang Wenbo, Inter-carrier Interference Analysis and Mitigation for OFDM System over Fast Fading Channels, Chinese J. Electronics, vol.19, no.1, pp 181-186, 2010/1.
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Pre One:Xiangyu Lu, Yuyan Zhang; Yuexing Peng, Hui Zhao, Wenbo Wang, A real-time two-way authentication method based on instantaneous channel state information for wireless communication systems, J. of Commun., vol. 6, no.6, pp 471-476, 2011.
Next One:Yuexing Peng, Zhao, Hui; Wang, Wenbo; Kim, Young Il, Cooperative network coding with soft information relaying in two-way relay channels, J. Commun., vol.4, no.11, pp 849-855, 2009.
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