
Associate professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Language: 中文

Published Books

Dang Van Huynh, Saeed R. Khosravirad, Yuexing Peng, Antonino Masaracchia, and Trung Q. Duong, “Industrial IoTs clustering joint blocklength and power optimization for relay robots-aided URLLC in 5G factory automation,” Chapter 1 in Book “URLLC”, Wiley, Oct. 2022.



Description of Publication:This chapter investigates the ultra‐reliable low‐latency communications (URLLC) supported industrial Internet‐of‐Things (IIoT) devices in the industry automation1. To enhance the URLLC performance, we propose to use multiple mobile robots as relay terminals to enhance the wireless connectivity between the base stations and IIoTs devices. We first propose two approaches to optimise the deployment of multiple relay robots in assisting URLLC system, namely DNN‐based deployment, and the K‐means clustering algorithm. Under the strict latency constraint via short blocklength, we propose an optimal resource allocation scheme to minimise the error probability at the IIoT devices. Then, a joint blocklength and power allocation optimisation of the base stations and relay robots is considered. To solve the highly noncovex optimisation problems of URLLC, we propose an effective iterative algorithm for solving the reliability maximisation. Representative numerical results demonstrate the proposed s

Type of Works:Monograph

Publication Design:Foreign (overseas) publishing house

Classification of Disciplines:Engineering

First-Level Discipline:信息与通信工程* Information and communication engineering

Translated or Not:no

Date of Publication:2023-07-01

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