Current position: Dr. Shengli Pan's Homepage >>Education Background
Shengli Pan

Personal Information:

Associate professor  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Education Background

  • 2014.11 2015.11

    Institution : École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

    Basic Information : The CSC-sponsored joint Ph.D. program under the supervision of Prof. Katerina Argyraki

  • 2011.9 2016.12

    Institution : Univ. of Elec. Sci. and Tech. of China

    Major : 通信与信息系统

    Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

    Basic Information : (指导老师:胡光岷 教授)

  • 2007.9 2011.7

    Institution : Univ. of Elec. Sci. and Tech. of China

    Major : 通信工程

    Degree : Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

  • 2004.9 2007.7

    Institution : 湖北省鄂州高中