(24) Pei Ren, Xiuquan Qiao, Yakun Huang, Ling Liu, Schahram Dustdar, Junliang Chen. Edge-Assisted Distributed DNN Collaborative Computing Approach for Mobile Web Augmented Reality in 5G Networks, IEEE Network, vol.34, no. 2, March/April 2020, pp. 254-261.
Release time:2022-06-05 Hits:
Pre One:(25) Xiuquan Qiao, Hongyi Wang, Wei Tan, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Junliang Chen, M.Brain Blake. A Survey of Applications Research on Content-Centric Networking, China Communications, vol.16, no. 9, September 2019, pp. 122-140.
Next One:(23) Xiuquan Qiao, Hongyi Wang, Pei Ren, Yukai Tu, Guoshun Nan, Junliang Chen, M. Brian Blake. Interest Packets Scheduling and Size-based Flow Control Mechanism for Content-Centric Networking Web Servers,Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 107, June 2020, pp. 564-577.