于刊,男,博士,毕业于山东科技大学,博士在读期间参与国家自然科学基金1项、山东省重大研究计划1项、主持校级创新项目(一级)3项,荣获博士国家奖学金、省级优秀毕业生等荣誉称号;硕士生导师,主要研究方向包括:面向大规模无线接入网的分布式算法设计,面向车联网的资源分配与优化,以及面向超可靠低时延通信的无线物理层安全机理。目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,山东省自然科学基金1项,参与山东省重大基础研究和重点研发计划2项,在通信领域、计算机领域顶级期刊上发表高水平论文20余篇,包括CCF A类期刊IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking、CCF B类期刊IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、JCR 1区TOP期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等。
*祝贺我们的论文被国际知名期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology录用!
K. Yu, Z. Feng, J. Yu, T. Chen, J. Peng, and D. Li. Secure Ultra-reliable and Low Latency Communication in UAV-enabled NOMA Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3403099, 2024
*祝贺我们的论文被国际知名会议IEEE Green Computing and Communications录用,并获得Distinguish Paper Award(杰出论文奖)!
K. Yu, K. Li, Z. Feng, X. Zhao, C Luo, T. Chen and D Li. Secure URLLC Empowered by UAV in 6G: An Interference Engineering Perspective. IEEE Green computing and communications (Accepted), 2023.
*祝贺我们的论文被国际知名会议,CCF C类会议International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking(MSN)录用!
-->研究了NOMA-UAV网络中uRLLC通信的保密性和可靠性性能。优化UAV悬停高度和功率分配最大化secrecy rate,通过仿真来评估不同参数对通信保密性和可靠性的影响。
X. Zhao, K. Yu, D. Li, X. Liu, and C. Luo. Secure Ultra-reliable and Low Latency Communication in NOMA-UAV Networks. IEEE MSN (Accepted), 2023.
*祝贺我们的论文被CCF B类期刊Computer Networks录用!
K. Yu, J. Yu, Z. Feng, and M. Guo. Cooperative Jamming Aided Securing Wireless Communications without CSI of Eavesdroppers. Computer Networks, vol. 234, 2023. (JCR 1区,TOP期刊,CCF B类期刊)
*祝贺我们的论文被CCF A类期刊IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking录用!
K. Yu, J. Yu, Z. Feng, and H. Chen. A reassessment on applying protocol interference model under Rayleigh fading: from perspective of link scheduling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2023.3284433, 2023 (JCR 1区,CCF A类期刊)
*祝贺我们的论文被CCF A类期刊IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking录用!
K. Yu, J. Yu and C. Luo. The impact of mobility on physical layer security of 5G IoT networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2022.3208212 (JCR 1区,CCF A类期刊)
[1] K. Yu, J. Yu, Z. Feng, and H. Chen. A reassessment on applying protocol interference model under Rayleigh fading: from perspective of link scheduling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2023.3284433, 2023 (JCR 1区,CCF A类期刊)
[2] K. Yu, J. Yu, X. Cheng, D. Yu, and A. Dong. Efficient Link Scheduling Solutions for the Internet of Things under Rayleigh Fading. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 29(6):2508-2521, 2021 (JCR 1区,CCF A类期刊)
[3] K. Yu, J. Yu and C. Luo. The impact of mobility on physical layer security of 5G IoT networks.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2022.3208212 (JCR 1区,CCF A类期刊)
[4] K. Yu, J. Yu, Z. Feng, and M. Guo. Cooperative Jamming Aided Securing Wireless Communications without CSI of Eavesdroppers. Computer Networks, vol. 234, 2023. (JCR 1区,TOP期刊,CCF B类期刊)
[5] J. Yu, K. Yu, D. Yu, W. Lv, X. Cheng, H. Chen, and W. Cheng. Efficient link scheduling in wireless networks under Rayleigh-fading and multiuser interference. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 19(8): 5621-5634, 2020 (JCR 1区,CCF B类期刊,TOP期刊)
[6] K. Yu, J. Yu, and A. Dong. Cooperative Communication and Mobility for Securing URLLC of Future Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(5): 5331-5342, 2022. (JCR 1区,TOP期刊)
[7] K. Yu, Y. Wang, J. Yu, D. Yu, X. Cheng, and Z. Shan. Localized and distributed link scheduling algorithms in iot under Rayleigh fading. Computer Networks, 151(14): 232-244, 2019. (JCR 1区,CCF B类期刊)
[8] K. Yu, S. Zheng, X. Yang, G. Li and X. Liu. The impact of mobility on physical layer security in 5G uRLLC. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, DOI: 10.1002/INT2.20220384, 2022 (JCR 1区,CCF C类期刊)
[9] K. Yu, J. Yu, H. Chen, and A. Dong. Methods of Improving Secrecy Transmission Capacity in Wireless Random Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 117, 2021 (JCR 2区,CCF C类期刊)
[10] Y. Ji, K. Yu*, J. Qiu, J Yu. Massive MIMO and Secrecy Guard Zone Based Improving Physical Layer Security in UAV-Enabled uRLLC Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(4):4553-4567, 2022 (JCR 1区,TOP期刊,学生一作)
[11] X. Liu, X. Yang, J. Yu, and K. Yu*. Cooperative Communication Design of Physical Layer Security Enhancement with Considering Social Ties in Random Networks”, Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 130, 2022 (102822) (JCR2区,CCF C类期刊)
[12] K. Yu, J. Yu, X. Cheng, and T. Song. Theoretical analysis of secrecy transmission capacity in wireless ad hoc networks. IEEE WCNC, pp. 1-6, 2017 (EI, CCF C类会议)
[13] S. Zheng, K. Yu, G. Li, and X. Liu. Securing uRLLC in UAV-assisted NOMA Wireless Network. IEEE CPSCom, 2022 (EI会议,学生一作,导师二作)
[14] J. Qiu, J. Yu*, A. Dong, K. Yu. Joint Beamforming for IRS-Aided Multi-Cell MISO System: Sum Rate Maximization and SINR Balancing. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2022.3159564, 2022 (JCR 1区,CCF B类,TOP期刊)
[15] J, Wu, T. Wang, G. Li, K. Yu and C. Luo. Secure storage scheme of trajectory data for digital tracking mechanism, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, DOI: 10.1002/int.23095, 2022 (JCR 1区,CCF C类,TOP期刊)
[16] X. Liu, X. Xu, K. Yu*. NOMA and UAV Scheduling for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications, Drones, 7(1):41, 2023 (JCR 1区)
[1] 主持,项目类别:国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目名称:面向空地协同交管的物理层安全性能度量理论与优化方法,项目编号:62301076,项目资助:30万,项目研究期限:2024-01-01~2026-12-31
[2] 主持,项目类别:山东省自然科学基金青年基金,项目名称:NOMA 网络空对地超可靠低时延通信物理层安全指标设计与方案研究,项目编号:ZR2021QF050,项目资助:15万,项目研究期限:2022-01-01至2024-12-31
[1] 基于Rayleigh 衰落模型的无线网络中链路调度算法设计,山东省计算机学会,2021
北京邮电大学  信息与通信工程* Information and communication engineering  Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)  博士学位
山东科技大学  计算机软件与理论  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study  博士学位
曲阜师范大学  计算机科学与技术  Postgraduate (Master's Degree)  硕士学位
曲阜师范大学  网络工程  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)  学士学位
曲阜师范大学 计算机学院
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