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    • 电子邮箱:
    • 所在单位:电子工程学院
    • 学历:研究生毕业
    • 办公地点:新科研楼338
    • 性别:女
    • 联系方式:xzhang@bupt.edu.cn
    • 学位:博士学位
    • 职称:教授
    • 在职信息:在职
    • 毕业院校:北京邮电大学
    • 博士生导师
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    • 所属院系:电子工程学院
    • 2008当选:教育部新世纪人才
    • 2015当选:北京邮电大学优秀博士论文指导教师
    • 2017当选:中国电子学会自然科学三等奖
    • 2020当选:北京邮电大学优秀博士论文指导教师





    张霞 博士生导师、信息光子学与光通信全国重点实验室(北京邮电大学)教授。2003 年在北京邮电大学获电磁场与微波技术专业博士学位。2008 年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划。主要从事微纳信息器件与系统、片上信息器件的智能设计、大模型、深度学习在计算机视觉领域的应用等研究工作,承担了多项国家级科研项目及企业委托开发项目。在Nano LettersNanoscale HorizonsNanoscaleApplied Physics LettersOptics Express等国际知名学术刊物上发表论文百余篇。曾获中国电子学会自然科学三等奖。

    博士招生专业:080900 电子科学与技术、085400 电子信息

    硕士招生专业: 080900 电子科学与技术、085401 新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)



    1.     国防项目:XXX模型建设XXX2025/01-2015/12

    2.     中国兵器集团委托项目:基于深度学习的智能视频监控报警系统,2023/06-2024/06

    3.     国防项目:面向海量数据的XXX数据库技术,2022/11-2025/12

    4.     国家自然科学基金面上项目(62474022),基于横向纳米线阵列与金属栅格天线的一体化集成超薄柔性光伏天线研究,2025/01-2028/12,主持

    5.     信息光子学与光通信国家重点实验室自主科研重点项目(IPOC2020ZZ01),深低维异质结构半导体激光器基础研究,2020/07-2022/12,主持

    6.     国家自然科学基金面上项目(61774021),基于纳米线/量子点径向复合结构的新型近红外光源研究,2018/01-2021/12,主持

    7.     国家自然科学基金面上项目(61376019),GaAs纳米线/In(Ga)As量子点复合径向异质结构的制备及其光伏特性研究,2014/01-2017/12,主持

    8.     国家自然科学基金面上项目(61077049),基于新型多芯微结构光纤中特殊芯间耦合机制的快光与慢光传输,2011/01-2013/12,主持

    9.     国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(61911530133),基于III-V族纳米线异质结构的发光与探测器件研究,2019/01-2020/12,主持

    10.  国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(61511130045),半导体纳米线异质结构:理论与实验研究,2015/01-2016/12,主持

    11.  国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目(61020106007),III-V族纳异质结构材料与器件研究,2011/01-2014/12,参加

    12.  国家973计划课题(2010CB327605),基于微结构光纤的新型功能器件、异质兼容结构与光电子集成,2010/01-2014/8,北邮课题负责

    13.  国家973计划课题(2010CB327601),半导体异质兼容集成中的高质量异变外延与自组织纳异质结构,2010/01-2014/8,参加

    14.  国际科技合作计划项目(2011DFR11010),基于III-V族纳异质结构的超辐射光源研究,2012/05-2014/5,参加

    15.  北京市自然科学基金面上项目(4142038),GaAs纳米线-In(Ga)As量子点复合径向pin结阵列的制备及其光伏特性研究,2014/01-2016/12,主持

    16.  教育部博士点学科专项科研基金项目(博导类)(20120005110011),III-V族半导体纳米线-SK量子点复合结构的制备及光学特性研究,2013/01-2015/12,主持

    17.  教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-08-0736),面向WDM应用的新型微结构光纤超连续谱多波长光源,2009/01-2011/12,主持

    18.  国家973计划课题(2003CB314906),基于微结构光纤的光电子功能器件的创新与基础研究,2003/12-2008/10,北邮课题负责

    19.  国际科技合作计划项目(2006DFB11110),基于微尺度效应和技术的异质结构半导体材料及器件,2007/01-2009/12,参加

    20.  教育部科学技术研究重大项目(304006),基于微结构光纤的新一代光通信器件及系统   2004/01-2006/12,参加

    21.  国家863计划项目(目标导向类)(2007AA03Z447),光子晶体光纤及器件的研制与开发,2007/12-2009/12,主持

    22.  国家863计划项目(2003AA311010),单结构与多结构集成式光子晶体光纤及器件,2003/12-2005/12,北邮课题负责


    1.      Chaofei Zha, Xin Yan, Xueguang Yuan, Yangan Zhang, Xia Zhang*, An artificial optoelectronic synapse based on an InAs nanowire phototransistor with negative photoresponse, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2021, 53: 587

    2.      Wei Wei, Liu Qi, Xia Zhang*, Yan Xin, Single-Photon Emission by the Plasmon-Induced Transparency Effect in Coupled Plasmonic Resonators, Photonics, 2021, 8:188

    3.      Taotao Hu, Xia Zhang*, Mingqian Zhang*, Xin Yan, A high-resolution miniaturized ultraviolet spectrometer based on arrayed waveguide grating and microring cascade structures, Optics Communications, 2021, 482(1), 126591

    4.      Tianyang Fu, Xin Yan*, Lingmei Ai, Xia Zhang*, Xiaomin Ren, A Si-based InP/InGaAs nanowire array photodetector operating at telecommunication wavelength, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2020, 40, 100794

    5.      Xin Yan, Haoran Liu, Nickolay Sibirev, Xia Zhang*, Xiaomin Ren, Performance Enhancement of Ultra-Thin Nanowire Array Solar Cells by Bottom Reflectivity Engineering, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10(2):184.

    6.      Yanbin Luo, Qingsheng Zeng*, Xin Yan, Yong Wu, Qichao Lu, Chaofan Zheng, Nan Hu, Wenqing Xie, Xia Zhang*, Graphene-Based Multi-Beam Reconfigurable THz Antennas, IEEE ACCESS, 2019, 7, 30802-30808

    7.      Xin Yan#, Lei Gong#, Lingmei Ai,Wei Wei, Xia Zhang*, and Xiaomin Ren, Enhanced photovoltaic performance of nanowire array solar cells with multiple diameters, Optics Express, 2018, 26( 26 ), A974.

    8.      Yanbin Luo, Xin Yan, Qingsheng Zeng, Jinnan Zhang, Xia Zhang*, Bang Li, Qichao Lu, Xiaomin Ren, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Graphene-based dual-band antenna in the millimeter-wave band, 2018, 60(12), 3014-3019

    9.      Yanbin Luo, Xin Yan, Wei Wei, Mingqian Zhang, Jinnan Zhang, Bang Li, Jiahui Zheng, Qichao Lu, Qimin Lin, Wen Liu, Xia Zhang*, and Xiaomin Ren, Modulating photoelectric performance of graphene/gallium arsenide nanowire photodetectors by applying gate voltage, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2018, 36(5): 051205.

    10.   Yanbin Luo#, Xin Yan#, Jinnan Zhang, Bang Li, Yao Wu, Qichao Lu, Chenxiaoshuai Jin, Xia Zhang* and Xiaomin Ren. A graphene/single GaAs nanowire Schottky junction photovoltaic device, Nanoscale, 2018, 10(19): 9212-9217.

    11.   Qichao Lu, Wei Wei, Xin Yan, Bing Shen, Yanbin Luo, Xia Zhang*, Xiaomin Ren. Particle swarm optimized ultra-compact polarization beam splitter on silicon-on-insulator, Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 2018, 32: 19~23.

    12.   Yao Wu, Xin Yan, Xia Zhang* and Xiaomin Ren, Photovoltaic Performance of a Nanowire/Quantum Dot Hybrid Nanostructure Array Solar Cell, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, 13(1): 62.

    13.   Yao Wu, Xin Yan, Wei Wei, Jinnan Zhang, Xia Zhang* and Xiaomin Ren. Optimization of GaAs Nanowire Pin Junction Array Solar Cells by Using AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunctions, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, 13: 1-7.

    14.   Yao Wu, Xin Yan, Zhang X* and Xiaomin Ren, Light absorption properties of a nanowire/quantum-dot hybrid nanostructure array, Optics Communications, 2018, 420: 104-109.

    15.   Jinnan Zhang#, Lingmei Ai#, Xin Yan, Yao Wu, Wei Wei, Mingqian Zhang and Xia Zhang*. Photovoltaic performance of pin junction nanocone array solar cells with enhanced effective optical absorption, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, 13(1): 306.

    16.   Bang LiXin YanXia Zhang*Yanbin LuoQichao LuXiaomin RenControllable photoresponse behavior in a single InAs nanowire phototransistorApplied Physics Letters201711111):113102

    17.   Jiamin Wang#Wei Wei#Xin YanJinnan ZhangXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenNear-infrared hybrid plasmonic multiple quantum well nanowire lasersOptics Express2017258):9358~9367

    18.   Xin Yan#Wei Wei#Fengling TangXi WangLuying LiXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenLow-threshold room-temperature AlGaAs/GaAs nanowire/single-quantum-well heterostructure laserApplied Physics Letters20171106):061104

    19.   Bang LiXin YanXiaomin RenXia Zhang*Self-catalyzed growth of InAs nanowires on InP substrateNanoscale Research Letters2017121):34

    20.   Xin YanChen ZhangJiamin WangXiaomin RenXia Zhang*A high efficiency Si nanowire array/perovskite hybrid solar cellNanoscale Research Letters2017121):14

    21.   Xin YanFengling TangYao WuBang LiXiaomin RenXia Zhang*Growth of isolated InAs quantum dots on core-shell GaAs/InP nanowire sidewalls by MOCVDJournal of Crystal Growth2017468185~187

    22.   Yao WuXin YanXiaomin RenXia Zhang*A monolayer graphene/GaAs nanowire array Schottky junction self-powered photodetectorApplied Physics Letters201610918):183101

    23.   Wei WeiXin YanXia Zhang*Ultrahigh Purcell factor in low-threshold nanolaser based on asymmetric hybrid plasmonic cavityScientific Reports2016633063

    24.   Xin YanBang LiYao WuXiaomin RenXia Zhang*A single crystalline InP nanowire photodetectorApplied Physics Letters20161095):053109

    25.   Xin YanJunshuai LiYao WuBang LiXiaomin RenXia Zhang*Fabrication and optical properties of type-II InP/InAs nanowire/quantum-dot heterostructuresPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2016102):168~171

    26.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiYao WuJiangong CuiXiaomin RenFabrication and optical properties of GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs nanowire core-multishell quantum well heterostructuresNanoscale201573):1110~1115

    27.   Junshuai LiFukuan SunXin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenAnomalous photoconductive behavior of a single InAs nanowire photodetectorApplied Physics Letters201510726):263103

    28.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiYao WuXiaomin RenSelf-catalyzed growth of pure zinc blende <110> InP nanowiresApplied Physics Letters20151072):023101

    29.   Yao WuXin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenEnhanced photovoltaic performance of an inclined nanowire array solar cellOptics Express20152324):A1603~A1612

    30.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Shuyu FanXiaomin RenAnalysis of critical dimensions for nanowire core-multishell heterostructuresNanoscale Research Letters2015101):389

    31.   Yanhong LiXin YanYao WuXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenPlasmon-enhanced light absorption in GaAs nanowire array solar cellsNanoscale Research Letters2015101):436

    32.   Wei WeiXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenPlasmonic circular resonators for refractive index sensors and filtersNanoscale Research Letters2015101):211

    33.   Sijia WangXin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiXiaomin RenAxially connected nanowire core-shell p-n junctions: a composite structure for high-efficiency solar cellsNanoscale Research Letters2015101):22

    34.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiJiangong CuiXiaomin RenFabrication and optical properties of multishell InAs quantum dots on GaAs nanowiresJournal of Applied Physics20151175):054301

    35.   Wei WeiXia Zhang*Xin YanXiaomin RenObservation of enhanced spontaneous and stimulated emission of GaAs/AlGaAs nanowire via the Purcell effectAIP Advances201558):087148

    36.   Wei WeiYange Liu*Xia Zhang*Zhi WangXiaomin RenEvanescent-wave pumped room-temperature single-mode GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowire lasersApplied Physics Letters201410422):223103

    37.   Wei WeiXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenAsymmetric hybrid plasmonic waveguides with centimeter-scale propagation length under subwavelength confinement for photonic componentsNanoscale Research Letters201491):599

    38.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiJiangong CuiXiaomin RenControllable growth and optical properties of InP and InP/InAs nanostructures on the sidewalls of GaAs nanowiresJournal of Applied Physics201411621):214304

    39.   崔建功,张霞*,颜鑫,李军帅,黄永清,任晓敏,利用表面修饰调制GaAs纳米线的电子结构,Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica2014,(10):1841~1846

    40.   崔建功,张霞*,颜鑫,李军帅,黄永清,任晓敏,GaAs纳米线及GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs纳米线径向异质结构的无催化选区生长的实验研究, Acta Physica Sinica2014,(13):298~304

    41.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenJunshuai LiJiangong CuiLiang LiSijia WangQi WangYongqing HuangRealization of Stranski-Krastanow InAs quantum dots on nanowire-based InGaAs nanoshellsJournal of Materials Chemistry C2013147):7914~7919

    42.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenJunshuai LiJiangong CuiSijia WangShuyu FanQi WangYongqing HuangMorphological and temperature-dependent optical properties of InAs quantum dots on GaAs nanowires with different InAs coverageApplied Physics Letters201310317):172102

    43.   Wei WeiXia Zhang*Hui YuYupeng LiYangan ZhangYongqing HuangWei ChenWenyong LuoXiaomin RenSlow light based on stimulatedBrillouin scattering in microstructured fiberActa Physica Sinica20136218):184208

    44.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiJiangong CuiSijia WangShuyu FanYongqing HuangXiaomin RenGrowth and characterization of InAs quantum dots on InP nanowires with zinc blende structureJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B2013315):051803

    45.   Wei WeiXia Zhang*Hui YuYongqing HuangXiaomin RenPlasmonic waveguiding properties of the gap plasmon mode with a dielectric substratePhotonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications2013113):279~287

    46.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiJiangong CuiQi WangYongqing HuangGrowth of InAs quantum dots on Si-based GaAs nanowires by controlling the surface adatom diffusionJournal of Crystal Growth201338482~87

    47.   Xiaolong LvXia Zhang*Xiaolong LiuXin YanJiangong CuiJunshuai LiYongqing HuangXiaomin RenGrowth and characterization of GaAs/InxGa1-xAs/GaAs axial nanowire heterostructures with symmetrical heterointerfacesChinese Physics B2013226):066101

    48.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiXiaolong LuXiaomin RenYongqing HuangGrowth and characterization of straight InAs/GaAs nanowire heterostructures on Si substrateChinese Physics B2013227):076102

    49.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin Ren*Xiaolong LvJunshuai LiQi WangShiwei CaiYongqing HuangFormation mechanism and optical properties of InAs quantum dots on the surface of GaAs NanowiresNano Letters2012124):1851~1856

    50.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin Ren*Junshuai LiXiaolong LvQi WangYongqing HuangGrowth and photoluminescence of InxGa1-xAs quantum dots on the surface of GaAs nanowires by metal organic chemical vapor depositionApplied Physics Letters20121012):023106  

    51.   Hui GengXin YanXia Zhang*Junshuai LiYongqing HuangXiaomin RenAnalysis of critical dimensions for axial double heterostructure nanowiresJournal of Applied Physics201211211):114307

    52.   Huifang MaXia Zhang*Qi JingYongqing HuangXiaomin RenBroadband and low amplitude noise supercontinuum generated by using compressed pulseOptics and Laser Technology2012445):1333~1337

    53.   Qi JingXia Zhang*Huifang MaYongqing HuangXiaomin RenSupercontinuum broadening in all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber by means of soliton compression in standard single-mode fiberOptics Communications201228512):2917~2923

    54.   Huifang MaXia Zhang*Qi JingYongqing HuangXiaomin RenEffect of intrapulse Raman scattering on broadband amplitude noise of supercontinuum generated in fiber normal dispersion regionApplied Optics20125112):1962~1967

    55.   Xiaolong LvXia Zhang*Xin YanXiaolong LiuJiangong CuiJunshuai LiYongqing HuangXiaomin RenGrowth of self-catalyzed InP nanowires by metalorganic chemical vapour depositionChinese Physics Letters20122912):126102

    56.   Qi JingXia Zhang*Huifang MaYongqing HuangXiaomin RenImproved flatness and tunable bandwidth of the supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion-flattened PCF using Littman-Metcalf optical bandpass filterOptics and Laser Technology2012446):1660~1669

    57.   Xin YanXia Zhang*Xiaomin Ren*Hui HuangJingwei GuoXin GuoMinjia LiuQi WangShiwei CaiYongqing HuangGrowth of InAs Quantum Dots on GaAs Nanowires by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor DepositionNano Letters2011119):3941~3945

    58.   Wei WeiXia Zhang*Xin GuoLong ZhengJing GaoWeiping ShiQi WangYongqing HuangXiaomin RenRefractive index sensors based on Ag-metalized nanolayer in microstructured optical fibersOptik201112313):1167~1170

    59.   Long ZhengXia Zhang*Xiaomin RenHuifang MaLei ShiYamiaoWangYongqing HuangDispersion flattened photonic crystal fiber with high nonlinearity for supercontinuum generation at 1.55 μmChinese Optics Letters201194):040601


    1.      颜鑫 张霞,半导体纳米线材料与器件,北京邮电大学出版社,2017.8.1

    2.      颜鑫 张霞, 传感器原理及应用,北京邮电大学出版社, 2020.1


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    [1] 2000.9 -- 2003.7
    北京邮电大学       电磁场与微波技术       博士毕业       博士学位       2003年7月获电磁场与微波技术专业博士学位

    [2] 1997.9 -- 2000.7
    北京师范大学       光学       硕士研究生       硕士学位       2000年7月获光学专业硕士学位