Dong Zhao, Zijian Cao, Chen Ju, Desheng Zhang, Huadong Ma. D2Park: Diversified Demand-aware On-street Parking Guidance [J] Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp), 2020. (CCF A类)
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Pre One:Dong Zhao, Huadong Ma, Xinna Ji. Generalized Lottery Trees: Budget-Balanced Incentive Tree Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2020. (CCF A类)
Next One:Dong Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li, Huadong Ma. Budget-Feasible Online Incentive Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing Tasks Truthfully [J]. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 2016. (CCF A类)
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