Wenhua Shao, Haiyong Luo, Fang Zhao, Antonino Crivello, Yan Ma, Zhongliang Zhao. Indoor Positioning based on Fingerprint-Image Learning and Deep Learning. IEEE Access. 2018, 6:74699-74712. (影响因子4.098,中科院2区)
上一条:Yida Zhu, Haiyong Luo, Qu Wang, Fang Zhao, Bokun Ning, Qixue Ke, Chen Zhang. A Fast Indoor/Outdoor Transition Detection Algorithm based on Machine Learning. Sensors. 2019, 19(4), 786:1-23(影响因子3.031,中科院3区)
下一条:Jie Wei, Haiyong Luo, Fang Zhao. SP-Loc: A Crowdsourcing Fingerprints-based Shop-Level Indoor Localization Algorithm Integrating Shop Popularity without the Indoor Map. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2018, Vol. 14(11):1-18. (影响因子1.787,中科院4区)