庄子睿Zirui Zhuang


 博士生导师  硕士生导师






Zirui Zhuang received his B.Eng. in electronic information engineering, and Ph.D. in information and communication engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications[中文][English], in 2015 and 2020, respectively. He is advised by Professor Jingyu Wang during the course of his Ph.D. study.

He currently is with the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology[中文][English]. He is also with the School of Computer Science starting from 2020. He was also with the Institute of Network Technology from 2015 to 2020.

In 2019, he visited the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, doing research on network routing and optimization, advised by Professor Zhu Han.

His research interests include network routing and management for next generation network infrastructures, using machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, including deep learning, reinforcement learning, graph representation, multi-agent system, and Lyapunov-based optimization.

Recently, he has been focusing on the design of Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN) framework which employs artificial intelligence (AI) for the next-generation networks (AI4Network), in settings of wired computer networks as well as wireless communication networks. The integration of knowledge promotes profound intelligence in networked systems by acquisition, extraction, optimization, and application of the best practices of network control and resource management. This new paradigm demands more advanced theory, techniques, and procedures in the aspects of sensing, modelling, decision making, and interpretation, where the combination of human intelligence and artificial intelligence is a must. While there has been a trending research interest over the convergence of communication, computation, and control, the era of KDN and AI4Network is still at its early stage. There are broad but challenging research opportunities to be explored.

He is an active member of computer communication and signal processing communities. He joined the IEEE as a Graduate Student Member in 2018, and he became a professional Member in 2020.



§ Guest Editor, Electronics, special issue on "Advances in Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing", 2023.

§ Member of Technical Program Committee of  IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2024

§ Member of Technical Program Committee of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2023, 2024

§ Member of Technical Program Committee of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD), 2023, 2024

§ Member of Technical Program Committee of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2023, 2024



§ IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

§ IEEE Internet of Things Journal

§ IEEE Internet of Things Magazine

§ IEEE Systems Journal

§ IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

§ IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

§ IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

§ IEEE Communications Letters

§ Future Generation Computer Systems

§ Knowledge-Based Systems

§ Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

§ Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks

§ Journal of Communications and Networks

§ Springer Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications

§ Scientific Reports

§ SN Applied Sciences

§ Results in Control and Optimization


§ ACM ICMR 2023, 2024

§ ACM MM 2023, 2024

§ ACM KDD 2024

§ ACM UIST 2023

§ DASFAA 2024

§ ECMLPKDD 2023, 2024

§ IEEE GlobeCom 2023, 2024

§ IEEE ICCC 2020

§ IEEE WCNC 2021(Workshops), 2022, 2024

§ MobiQuitous 2019

§ ITU-K 2024



[1] [TSE] Guojun Chu#, Jingyu Wang#, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun*Zirui Zhuang, Bo He*, Yuhan Jing, Lei Zhang, and Jianxin Liao. "Anomaly Detection on Interleaved Log Data with Semantic Association Mining on Log-Entity Graph". IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, (January 2025). [中科院一区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[2] [TSC] Guojun Chu, Jingyu Wang*, Tao Sun, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "LogNotion: Highlighting Massive Logs to Assist Human Reading and Decision Making". IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, (January 2025). [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[3] [ToN] Jingyu Wang, Chenyang Zhao, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Yuebin Guo, Haifeng Sun, Lingqi Guo, and Jianxin Liao. "Fast and Scalable Data Plane Verification for Burst Updates with Edge-Predicate". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, (January 2025). [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[4] Long Zhang*, Deng-Ao Song, Hongliang Zhang, Ni Tian*Zirui Zhuang, Dusit Niyato, and Zhu Han. "Edge-Driven Industrial Computing Power Networks: Digital Twin-Empowered Service Provisioning by Hybrid Soft Actor-Critic". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (January 2025). [中科院二区] [Q1]

[5] [TSC] Menghao Zhang, Jingyu Wang*, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "Cognition Guided Video Anomaly Detection Framework for Surveillance Services". IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 17, num. 5, (October 2024), pp. 2109--2123. [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[6] [TSC] Yuhan Jing, Jingyu Wang, Ji Qi, Qi Qi, Bo He, Zirui Zhuang, Nanxing Wu, and Jianxi Liao. "Diner: Interpretable Anomaly Detection for Seasonal Time Series in Web Services". IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 17, num. 5, (October 2024), pp. 2248--2260. [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[7] [TACO] Jingyu Wang, Ruilong Ma, Xiang Yang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Jing Wang, and Jianxin Liao. "DeepZoning: Re-accelerate CNN Inference with Zoning Graph for Heterogeneous Edge Cluster". ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, (September 2024). [中科院三区] [Q2] [CCF A]

[8] [ToN] Rongxin Han#, Jingyu Wang#, Qi Qi*, Dezhi Chen, Zirui Zhuang*, Haifeng Sun, Xiaoyuan Fu, Jianxin Liao, and Song Guo. "Dynamic Network Slice for Bursty Edge Traffic". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 32, num. 4, (August 2024), pp. 3142--3157. [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[9] [ToN] Haifeng Sun, Xingjian Liao, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Fast and Scalable ACL Policy Solving under Complex Constraints with Graph Neural Networks". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 32, num. 5, (May 2024), pp. 4175--4190. [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[10] [TETC] Zirui Zhuang, Jianan Chen, Wenchao Xu, Qi Qi*, Song Guo, Jingyu Wang, Lu Lu*, Hongwei Yang, and Jianxin Liao. "DECC: Delay-Aware Edge-Cloud Collaboration for Accelerating DNN Inference". IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, (May 2024). [中科院二区] [Q1]

[11] [TMC] Yu Liu#Zirui Zhuang#, Qi Qi#, Jingyu Wang, Dezhi Chen, Lu Lu, Hongwei Yang, Jianxin Liao, and Zhu Han. "Slice Sandwich: Jagged Slicing Multi-tier Dynamic Resources for Diversified V2X Services". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, num. 5, (May 2024), pp. 4285--4302. [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[12] [中国科学] Jianxin Liao, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Jing Wang, and Zirui Zhuang. "6G intelligent service networking: Vision, architecture, and key technologies". SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, vol. 54, num. 5, (April 2024), pp. 991--1024. [CIC T1] [CCF T1]

[13] [JIoT] Xiaoyuan Fu, Quan Yuan, Zirui Zhuang, Yang Li, Jianxin Liao, and Dongmei Zhao. "TacNet: A Tactic-Interactive Resource Allocation Method for Vehicular Networks". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, num. 8, (December 2024), pp. 14370--14382. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[14] [ComMag] Yu Liu, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Jianxin Liao, and Zhu Han. "Toward High-Powered Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Cooperative Solution via Transient Edge Intelligence Provision". IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 61, num. 12, (December 2023), pp. 94--100. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[15] [JCIN] Jingyu Wang, Lei Zhang, Yiran Yang, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Lu Lu, Junlan Feng, and Jianxin Liao. "Network Meets ChatGPT: Intent Autonomous Management, Control and Operation". Journal of Communications and Information Networks, vol. 8, num. 3, (September 2023), pp. 239-255. [CIC-T1]

[16] [ToN] Tianjian Dong, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, Jianxin Liao, and Zhu Han. "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Cross-Slice Federated Meta Learning for Resource Orchestration to Cold-Start Slice". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 31, num. 2, (April 2023), pp. 828--845. [中科院二区] [Q1] [CCF A]

[17] [TVT] Long Zhang, Xiaozheng Ma, Zirui Zhuang, Haitao Xu, Vishal Sharma, and Zhu Han. "Q-Learning Aided Intelligent Routing With Maximum Utility in Cognitive UAV Swarm for Emergency Communications". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, num. 3, (March 2023), pp. 3707--3723. [中科院二区] [Q1]

[18] [TCCN] Tianjian Dong#Zirui Zhuang#, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, F. Yu, Tao Sun, Cheng Zhou, and Jianxin Liao. "Intelligent Joint Network Slicing and Routing via GCN-powered Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning". IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, num. 2, (June 2022), pp. 1269--1286. [中科院二区] [Q1]

[19] [通信学报] Jingyu Wang, and Zirui Zhuang*. "Research on a knowledge-defined polymorphic network attainable service architecture". Journal on Communications, vol. 43, num. 4, (April 2022), pp. 71--82. [CIC T1] [CCF T1]

[20] [电信科学] Jingyu Wang, Cheng Zhou, Lei Zhang, Cong Liu, Zirui Zhuang, Hongwei Yang, Danyang Chen, Yanhong Zhu, Lu Lu, and Jianxin Liao. "Knowledge-Defined Intent-based Network Autonomy". Telecommunications Science, vol. 37, num. 9, (September 2021), pp. 1--13. [CSTPCD] [CIC T1]

[21] [TNSM] Tianjian Dong, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Alex Liu, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Generative Adversarial Network-based Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Routing with Prior Knowledge". IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 18, num. 2, (May 2021), pp. 1673--1689. [中科院二区] [Q1]

[22] [JIoT] Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Jianxin Liao, and Zhu Han. "Adaptive and Robust Routing with Lyapunov-Based Deep RL in MEC Networks Enabled by Blockchains". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, num. 4, (February 2021), pp. 2208--2225. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[23] [JSTSP] Kai-Chu Tsai, Zirui Zhuang, Ricardo Lent, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Lichun Wang, and Zhu Han. "Tensor-Based Reinforcement Learning for Network Routing". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 15, num. 3, (February 2021), pp. 617--629. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[24] [JIoT] Dezhi Chen, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Jianxin Liao, and Zhu Han. "Mean Field Deep Reinforcement Learning for Fair and Efficient UAV Control". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, num. 2, (January 2021), pp. 813--828. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[25] [TVT] Qi Qi, Lingxin Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Jianxin Liao, and F Yu. "Scalable Parallel Task Scheduling for Autonomous Driving Using Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning". IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, num. 11, (November 2020), pp. 13861--13874. [中科院二区] [Q1]

[26] [ISJ] Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "Toward Greater Intelligence in Route Planning: A Graph-Aware Deep Learning Approach". IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, num. 2, (June 2020), pp. 1658--1669. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[27] [ASC] Jingyu Wang, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Tonghong Li, and Jianxin Liao. "Deep reinforcement learning-based cooperative interactions among heterogeneous vehicular networks". Applied Soft Computing, vol. 82, (September 2019), pp. 105557. [中科院一区] [Q1]

[28] [电信科学] Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, and Tong Xu. "Tenant-oriented customized vm networking technology". Telecommunications Science, vol. 31, num. 10, (October 2015), pp. 144--150. [CSTPCD] [CIC T1]


[29] [CSCW] Guangtian Liu, Haonan Su, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Pengfei Ren, and Jianxin Liao. "Towards Bare-Hand Interaction for Whiteboard Collaboration in Virtual Reality". In Proceedings of The 28th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'25), Bergen, Norway, October 2025. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[30] [INFOCOM] Rongxin Han, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, Zengteng Jiang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Yuan Zhang, and Jianxin Liao. "Network CoPilot: Intent-Driven Network Configuration Updating for Service Guarantee". In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'25), London, United Kingdom, May 2025.

[31] [WSDM] Xingyu Zeng, Han Li, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Haodong Deng, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Robustness Verification of Deep Graph Neural Networks Tightened by Linear Approximation". In Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM'25), Hannover, Germany, March 2025. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[32] [AAAI] Chengsen Wang, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Jinming Wu, Lei Zhang, and Jianxin Liao. "ChatTime: A Unified Multimodal Time Series Foundation Model Bridging Numerical and Textual Data". In Proceedings of The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'25), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, February 2025. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[33] [ICDM] Yuanyi Wang, Haifeng Sun, Chengsen Wang, Mengde Zhu, Wei Tang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Interdependency Matters: Graph Alignment for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection". In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'24), Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF B]

[34] [NeurIPS] Chengsen Wang, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Jinming Wu, and Jianxin Liao. "Rethinking the Power of Timestamps for Robust Time Series Forecasting: A Global-Local Fusion Perspective". In Proceedings of 2024 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'24), Vancouver, Canada, December 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[35] [MobiCom] Haoran Zhao, Bo He, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "QUIC-Enabled Framework for Alleviating Transient Congestion in Time-Critical IoT". In Proceedings of The 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'24), Washington, D.C., USA, November 2024, pp. 1578--1580. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[36] [ACM MM] Menghao Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Pengfei Ren, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Huazheng Wang, Lei Zhang, and Jianxin Liao. "Video Anomaly Detection via Progressive Learning of Multiple Proxy Tasks". In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia, October 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[37] [ACM MM] Baoqi Gao, Daoxu Sheng, Lei Zhang, Qi Qi, Bo He, Zirui Zhuang, and Jingyu Wang. "STAR-VP: Improving Long-term Viewport Prediction in 360\textdegree Videos via Space-aligned and Time-varying Fusion". In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia, October 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[38] [ICNP] Lingqi Guo, Jingyu Wang, Jianyu Wu, Caijun Yan, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Yi Dong, Haibao Ren, and Jianxin Liao. "Following the Compass: LLM-Empowered Intent Translation with Manual Guidance". In Proceedings of The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'24), Charleroi, Belgium, October 2024. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[39] [ECCV] Xingyu Liu#, Pengfei Ren#, Jingyu Wang*, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang*, and Jianxin Liao. "Coarse-to-Fine Implicit Representation Learning for 3D Hand-Object Reconstruction from a Single RGB-D Image". In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'24), Milano, Italy, September 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF B]

[40] [EuroPar] Mengde Zhu, Wanyi Ning, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, Jun Huang, and Jianxin Liao. "FLUK: Protecting Federated Learning against Malicious Clients for Internet of Vehicles". In Proceedings of 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar'24), Madrid, Spain, August 2024. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[41] [SIGCOMM WKSHP] Tianyi Kou, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, and Jianxin Liao. "Accelerating ACL Configuration Update through Data Plane Analysis". In Proceedings of Proceedings of the 2024 SIGCOMM Workshop on Formal Methods Aided Network Operation, Sydney, Australia, August 2024, pp. 48--50.

[42] [IJCAI] Menghao Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Pengfei Ren, Zirui Zhuang, Lei Zhang, and Jianxin Liao. "Safeguarding Sustainable Cities: Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection through Diffusion-based Latent Pattern Learning". In Proceedings of IJCAI - AI for Social Good, Jeju, August 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[43] [IWQoS] Yuexi Yin#Zirui Zhuang#, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Xiaoyuan Fu, and Jianxin Liao. "Beyond Throughput-Optimal: Second-Order Smooth Backpressure Algorithm for Reducing Jitter and Delay". In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 32nd International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS'24), Guangzhou, China, June 2024. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[44] [CVPR] Menghao Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Pengfei Ren, Ruilong Ma, and Jianxin Liao. "Multi-Scale Video Anomaly Detection by Multi-Grained Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning". In Proceedings of IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR'24), Seattle, USA, June 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[45] [NAACL] Ruilong Ma, Xiang Yang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Jing Wang, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "HPipe: Large Language Model Pipeline Parallelism for Long Context on Heterogeneous Cost-effective Devices". In Proceedings of 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'24), Mexico City, Mexico, June 2024. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[46] [IPDPS] Zicheng Wang#Zirui Zhuang#, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "Fast Policy Convergence for Traffic Engineering with Proactive Distributed Message-Passing". In Proceedings of 38th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'24), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 2024. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[47] [INFOCOM] Yuexi Yin, Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Xiaoyuan Fu, and Jianxin Liao. "Efficient Throughput and Loop-Free Routing: An Adaptive Second-Order Backpressure Algorithm". In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2024 Poster, Vancouver, Canada, May 2024. [CORE A*]

[48] [LREC-COLING] Junzhe Liang, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, and Jianxin Liao. "Distantly Supervised Contrastive Learning for Low-Resource Scripting Language Summarization". In Proceedings of The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING'24), Torino, Italia, May 2024. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[49] [ICLR] Zhenglong Wu, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, and Jingyu Wang. "Pre-Tokenization of Numbers for Large Language Models". In Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Learning Representations - Tiny Papers Track (ICLR'24-Tiny), Vienna, Austria, May 2024. [CORE A*]

[50] [ASPLOS] Rongxin Han, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Chaowei Xu, Zhaoyang Wan, Zirui Zhuang, Yichuan Yu, and Jianxin Liao. "NetRen: Service Migration-Driven Network Renascence with Synthesizing Updated Configuration". In Proceedings of International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'24), San Diego, CA, USA, April 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[51] [WCNC] Yian Zhu, Ziye Jia, Qihui Wu, Chao Dong, Zirui Zhuang, Huiling Hu, and Qi Cai. "UAV Trajectory Tracking via RNN-enhanced IMM-KF with ADS-B Data". In Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'24), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 2024. [CORE B] [CCF C]

[52] [NSDI] Chenyang Zhao, Yuebin Guo, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, Lingqi Guo, Yuming Xie, and Jianxin Liao. "EPVerifier: Accelerating Update Storms Verification with Edge-Predicate". In Proceedings of The 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'24), Santa Clara, CA, USA, April 2024. [CCF A]

[53] [AAAI] Xingyu Liu, Pengfei Ren, Yuanyuan Gao, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Keypoint Fusion for RGB-D Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation". In Proceedings of The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'24), Vancouver, Canada, February 2024. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[54] [NeurIPS] Chengsen Wang#Zirui Zhuang#, Qi Qi*, Jingyu Wang*, Xingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "Drift doesn't Matter: Dynamic Decomposition with Diffusion Reconstruction for Unstable Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection". In Proceedings of Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'23), New Orleans, LA, USA, December 2023. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[55] [ICNP] Xingjian Liao, Haifeng Sun, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Jianxin Liao, and Guang Yang. "Solving Distributed ACL Policies under Complex Constraints with Graph Neural Networks". In Proceedings of The 31st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'23), Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2023. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[56] [SIGCOMM P&D] Ruilong Ma, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Xiang Yang, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Poster: PipeLLM: Pipeline LLM Inference on Heterogeneous Devices with Sequence Slicing". In Proceedings of SIGCOMM'23 Posters and Demos, New York City, US, September 2023. [CORE A] [CCF A]

[57] [IJCAI] Jinming Wu, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, Zhikang Wu, Zirui Zhuang, and Jianxin Liao. "Not Only Pairwise Relationships: Fine-Grained Relational Modeling for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting". In Proceedings of The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'23), Macao, S.A.R, China, August 2023. [CORE A*] [CCF A]

[58] [Internetware] Hongchuan He, Dezhi Chen, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Lejian Zhang, Tong Xu, and Jingyu Wang. "Fine-Grained Flow Control Agent on Path MTU for IoT Software". In Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, Hangzhou, China, August 2023. [CCF C]

[59] [ICDCS] Jinyu Zhao, Haifeng Sun, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Shimin Tao, and Jianxin Liao. "CONFPILOT: A Pilot for Faster Configuration by Learning from Device Manuals". In Proceedings of 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'23), Hong Kong, China, July 2023. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[60] [DSN] Zhixian Chu, Lingqi Guo, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, and Cheng Zhou. "HIRN: A Hierarchical Intent Refinement Approach for Dependable Network Slicing with Multi-path Resource Allocation". In Proceedings of The 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'23), Porto, Portugal, June 2023. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[61] [SPAA] Ruilong Ma, Xiang Yang, Qi Qi, Jingyu Wang, Zirui Zhuang, Jing Wang, and Xin Wang. "Brief Announcement: Accelerate CNN Inference with Zoning Graph at Dynamic Granularity". In Proceedings of The 35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA'23), New York, NY, USA, June 2023, pp. 295–298. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[62] [ICASSP] Menghao Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Jing Wang, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Haifeng Sun, and Ning Xiao. "Robust Video Anomaly Detection Framework via Prior Knowledge and Multi-Path Frame Prediction". In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'23), Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2023. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[63] [ICC] Peng Zhan, Guangyi Qin, Xingxin Qian, Xiong Wang, Jing Ren, Zirui Zhuang, and Shizhong Xu. "Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Fast Anomaly Detection and Localization for Programmable Networks". In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'23), Rome, Italy, May 2023. [CORE B] [CCF C]

[64] [UIC] Chen Hu, Lei Zhang, Dezhi Chen, Zirui Zhuang, Qi Qi, Cong Liu, Jianxin Liao, and Jingyu Wang. "Digital Twins-Based Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for UAV-Assisted Vehicle Edge Computing". In Proceedings of The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'22), Haikou, China, December 2022. [CORE B] [CCF C]

[65] [DSC] Yixiao Li, Lixiang Li, Zirui Zhuang, Yuan Fang, and Yixian Yang. "ResNet Approach for Coding Unit Fast Splitting Decision of HEVC Intra Coding". In Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC), October 2021, pp. 130--135.

[66] [ICMR] Shaoxiong Zhu, Qi Qi, Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "FedNKD: A Dependable Federated Learning Using Fine-tuned Random Noise and Knowledge Distillation". In Proceedings of 2022 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR'22), Newark, NJ, USA, June 2022, pp. 185--193. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[67] [ICPP] Bo He, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Cong Liu, and Jianxin Liao. "DeepHop on Edge: Hop-by-hop Routing by Distributed Learning with Semantic Attention". In Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'20), Edmonton, AB, Canada, August 2020, pp. 1--11. [CORE A] [CCF B]

[68] [IWQoS] Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Jianxin Liao, and Zhu Han. "Adaptive and Robust Network Routing Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning with Lyapunov Optimization". In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS'20), Virtual, June 2020, pp. 1--10. [CORE B] [CCF B]

[69] [WCNC] Yu Zhang, Zirui Zhuang, Feifei Gao, Jingyu Wang, and Zhu Han. "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Secure UAV Communications". In Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'20), Virtual, May 2020, pp. 1--5. [CORE B] [CCF C]

[70] [IPCCC] Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "A Case-Based Decision System for Routing in Packet-Switched Networks". In Proceedings of IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC'18), Orlando, FL, USA, November 2018, pp. 1--2. [CORE B] [CCF C]

[71] [LCN] Yunming Xiao, Haifeng Sun, Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, and Qi Qi. "Common Knowledge Based Transfer Learning for Traffic Classification". In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'18), Chicago, USA, October 2018, pp. 311--314. [CORE A] [CCF C]

[72] [LCN] Zirui Zhuang, Jingyu Wang, Qi Qi, Haifeng Sun, and Jianxin Liao. "Graph-Aware Deep Learning Based Intelligent Routing Strategy". In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'18), Chicago, USA, October 2018, pp. 441--444. [CORE A] [CCF C]


[1] 2015.9-2020.11
北京邮电大学 | 信息与通信工程* | 博士 | 博士学位
[2] 2011.9-2015.7
北京邮电大学 | 电子信息工程 | 大学本科(简称“大学”) | 学士学位


[1] 2023.1-至今
计算机学院/网络与交换技术国家重点实验室 | 北京邮电大学 
[2] 2021.1-2023.1
计算机学院/网络与交换技术国家重点实验室 | 北京邮电大学 
[3] 2019.5-2019.11
ECE | 休斯敦大学 





