- Konglin Zhu, Zexuan Liu, Lin Zhang, Xinyu Gu. A Mobile Application Recommendation Framework by Exploiting Personal Preference with Constraints. Mobile Information Systems 2017: 4542326:1-4542326:9 (2017).
- Dan Li, Songtao Wang, Konglin Zhu, Shutao Xia. A survey of network update in SDN. Frontiers Comput. Sci. 11(1): 4-12 (2017).
- Konglin Zhu, Lin Zhang, Achille Pattavina. Learning Geographical and Mobility Factors for Mobile Application Recommendation. IEEE Intelligent Systems 32(3): 36-44 (2017).
- Mingyue Ding, Shengchu Wang, Zhongyan Huang, Konglin Zhu, Ling Zhang. Message-passing cooperative localization in sensor networks with AOA measurements. INFOCOM Workshops 2018: 724-729.
- Konglin Zhu, Zhicheng Chen, Lin Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Sang-Wook Kim. Geo-cascading and community-cascading in social networks: Comparative analysis and its implications to edge caching. Inf. Sci. 436-437: 1-12 (2018).
- Konglin Zhu, Wenke Yan, Wenqi Zhao, Liyang Chen, Lin Zhang, Eiji Oki. Cyber-Physical-Social Aware Privacy Preserving in Location-Based Service. IEEE Access 6: 54167-54176 (2018).