主要研究领域为无线通信和通信信号处理,包括通信感知一体化,智能反射面通信,AI赋能的无线感知等。近5年已发表或接收论文约30篇,包括SCI论文18篇,其中一作SCI论文10篇,多次入选IEEE TCOM期刊(中科院一区)的当月热点论文。近5年4次获国际通信领域会议最佳论文奖,包括IEEE ICC 2019最佳论文奖、IEEE GLOBECOM 2020最佳论文奖、IEEE ICC 2022最佳论文奖、IEEE WCSP 2023最佳论文奖。一作出版RIS方向的英文学术专著1部。申请发明专利7项,其中5项授权专利。入选2021-2023年度中国科协青年人才托举计划,博士学位论文获评2021年度中国电子学会优秀博士学位论文。
欢迎有意向加入的同学联系实验室师兄:zhouyuanyu@bupt.edu.cn(于同学),xiaowei.qian@bupt.edu.cn(钱同学) 。
[1] X. Hu, C. Liu, M. Peng, and C. Zhong, "IRS-Based Integrated Location Sensing and Communication for mmWave SIMO Systems," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 4132–4145, Jun. 2023.
[2] Z. Yu, X. Hu, C. Liu, M. Peng, and C. Zhong, "Location Sensing and Beamforming Design for IRS-Enabled Multi-User ISAC Systems," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 70, pp. 5178–5193, Nov. 2022.
[3] X. Qian, X. Hu, C. Liu, M. Peng, and C. Zhong, "Sensing-Based Beamforming Design for Joint Performance Enhancement of RIS-Aided ISAC Systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 6529–6545, Nov. 2023.
[4] Z. Wang, X. Hu, C. Liu, and M. Peng, "RIS-Enabled Multi-Target Sensing: Performance Analysis and Space-Time Beamforming Design," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, pp. 1–1, 2024.
[5] Z. Yu, X. Hu, C. Liu, and M. Peng, "IRS-Aided Non-Orthogonal ISAC Systems: Performance Analysis and Beamforming Design,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, pp. 1–1, 2024.
[6] S. Lyu, X. Hu, C. Liu, and M. Peng, "IRS-Aided Location Sensing and Beamforming in ISAC Systems: Distributed or Not?" IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp. 1–15, 2024.
[7] C. Liu, X. Hu, M. Peng, and C. Zhong, "Sensing for Beamforming: An IRS-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication Framework," in Proc. ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, pp. 5567–5572. (Best Paper Award)
[8] Z. Yu, X. Hu, C. Liu, Q. Tao, and M. Peng, "Blind-Zone Target Detection and Direction Estimation: An IRS-Aided Approach," in Proc. WCSP - International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2023, pp. 158–164. (Best Paper Award)
[9] Z. Yu, X. Hu, C. Liu, and M. Peng, "Rethinking the fundamental performance limits of integrated sensing and communication systems," 2024. [Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.03926
[10] Z. Yu, X. Hu, C. Liu, Q. Tao, and M. Peng, "Detection and Multi-Parameter Estimation for NLOS Targets: An IRS-assisted Framework," 2024. [Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.03902
[11] X. Qian, X. Hu, C. Liu, and M. Peng, "Wideband beamforming with RIS: A unified framework via space-frequency transformation," 2024.[Online]. Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.05293
邮箱 : xiaolinghu@bupt.edu.cn
2012.9 -- 2016.6
2019.9 -- 2020.9
2016.9 -- 2021.6