Kongming Liang




Personal Information:

Business Address:教三楼812


Other Contact Information:

ZipCode : 100876

PostalAddress : 北京市海淀区西土城路10号北京邮电大学教三楼803

email : liangkongming@bupt.edu.cn

Personal Profile

Kongming Liang received the Bachelor’s degree from China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, China, in 2012; and the Ph.D. degree from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2018. He was a joint Ph.D. Student of machine learning group in Carleton University from Sep 2016 to Oct 2017 and a postdoc researcher in the Department of Computer Science at Peking University from Jan 2019 to Dec 2020. Currently, he is an associate professor of Beijing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsHis research interests cover computer vision and machine learning, especially visual attribute learning, visual relationship detection, and medical image analysis.

2008.9  to  2012.7
中国矿业大学(北京) | Computer science and technology * | Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) | 学士学位
2012.9  to  2018.6
中国科学院大学 | Computer science and technology * | 博士 | Doctoral Degree in Engineering

2019.1  to  2021.3
 信息与科学技术学院 | 北京大学 

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Research Group

Name of Research Group:人工智能与网络搜索中心