江静, 董雅楠, 屠兴勇, 武欣. (2024). 领导批判性思维能激活团队创造力吗?一个三重交互作用模型. 管理评论, 36(8), 185-199.
Release time:2024-09-25 Hits:
Pre One:Jiang, J., Dong, H., Dong, Y., Yuan, Y., Tu, X. (2024). Challengers, not followers? The effect of leaders’ perceptions of team overqualification on leaders' empowering behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 32(7), 2305-2323.
Next One:Jiang, J., Dong, H., Dong, Y., Gu, H. and Lv, Y. (2024), The double-edged sword effect of mega sport event strength on volunteer performance, Tourism Review, doi.org/10.1108/TR-09-2023-0608