- 电子邮箱:jiangj@bupt.edu.cn
- 所在单位:经济管理学院
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 办公地点:经管楼302-2
- 性别:女
- 学位:博士学位
- 职称:副教授
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:清华大学
- 硕士生导师
- 所属院系:经济管理学院
[ 1 ].Jiang, J., Dong, H., Dong, Y., Yuan, Y., Tu, X. (2024). Challengers, not followers? The effect of leaders’ perceptions of team overqualification on leaders' empowering behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 32(7), 2305-2323.
[ 2 ].江静, 董雅楠, 屠兴勇, 武欣. (2024). 领导批判性思维能激活团队创造力吗?一个三重交互作用模型. 管理评论, 36(8), 185-199.
[ 3 ].Jiang, J., Dong, H., Dong, Y., Gu, H. and Lv, Y. (2024), The double-edged sword effect of mega sport event strength on volunteer performance, Tourism Review, doi.org/10.1108/TR-09-2023-0608
[ 4 ].Jiang, J., Yuan, Y., Dong, Y., & Dong, H. (2023). Employees’ proactive customer service performance in hospitality: impacts of customer mistreatment and team performance pressure. Tourism Review. 78(6), 1414-1432.
[ 5 ].Dong, Y., Zhao, X., Yuan, Y., Dong, H., & Jiang, J (corresponding author). (2023). What’ s wrong with different empowerment? The effect of differentiated empowering leadership on employee proactive service. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 47(7), 1187-1214.
[ 6 ].Jiang, J., Dong, Y., Hu, L., Liu, Q., & Guan, Y. (2022). Leaders' response to employee overqualification: An explanation of the curvilinear moderated relationship. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 95(2), 459-494.
[ 1 ],肖震东,江静,王艺霖. 编著《国投之魂》,民主法治出版社,2014年.,2022
[ 2 ],祝慧烨,肖震东,李德洁,江静. 著《企业文化管理—中国企业管理进化之道》,机械工业出版社,2011年,2022