- WiAgent: Link Selection for CSI-Based Activity Recognition in Densely Deployed Wi-Fi Environments .2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (9417335) 2021-06-30
- Team Channel-SLAM: A Cooperative Mapping Approach to Vehicle Localization .2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOPS (ICC WORKSHOPS) (9145339) 2021-06-30
- Deep Adaptation Networks Based Gesture Recognition using Commodity WiFi .2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (9120726) 2021-06-30
- Contact-free Inhome Health Monitoring System with Commodity Wi-Fi .2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOPS (ICC WORKSHOPS) 2021-06-30
- WiRoI: Spatial Region of Interest Human Sensing with Commodity WiFi .2019 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC) 2021-06-30
- From Point to Space: 3D Moving Human Pose Estimation Using Commodity WiFi (9404194) 2021-06-30
- In-Air Handwriting by Passive Gesture Tracking using Commodity WiFi .IEEE Communication Letters ,24 :2652-2656 2021-06-30
- From Signal to Image: Capturing Fine-Grained Human Poses With Commodity Wi-Fi .IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS ,24 (4) :802-806 2021-06-30
- Across-layer resource allocation scheme for ICIC in LTE-Advanced, Journal of Network and Computer Applications .Journal of Network and Computer Applications ,34 :1861-1868 2021-06-30
- SDN Based User-Centric Framework for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks ,2016 (9874969) 2021-06-30